about us

Our Vision:

Jesus’ life expressed so that His love transforms lives

Our Mission:

Lift Up Jesus in our worship

Build In Jesus’ life in His people

Reach Out locally and globally with Jesus’ love

Our Values:

We believe that the Bible (God’s Written Word) and Jesus (the Living Word) should be at the centre of who we are.

We are Word Centred

We depend on the in-filling presence of the Holy Spirit for guidance, worship and ministry to transform our lives and the world around us.

We are Spirit Filled

We value and learn from the unique journey of each person while rejoicing in the unity we have in Jesus.

We are Unified yet Diverse

We believe that Jesus’ followers are called to humbly serve in areas of natural and spiritual gifting so that we, and those we serve, may express His life.

We are Servants

We value a caring, mutually dependant community that joins together in prayer and worship, and is sent to share the love and life of Jesus to those around us.

We are Gathered & Scattered